August 30th was Dr. Sylvia Earle's birthday. To show our appreciation we compiled this video montage by reaching out in secret to friends and ocean heroes all over the world. The montage was shown to Sylvia during an expedition to the Arctic. Now we would like to open…
Sylvia Earle
Champions of the High Seas LIVE from the WPC
Champions of the High Seas LIVE from the WPC Date: Posted on Nov 14, 2014 Guests:Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dan Laffoley, IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature Global Marine and Polar Programme Sir Richard Branson, Virgin, Ocean Elder John Weller, Pew Fellow, Noted Marine Photographer (Antarctic) Ambassador…
"Our Oceans" Conference
"Our Oceans" ConferenceDate: Posted on June 17, 2014Guests: Fabien Cousteau of Mission 31 Kip Evans of Mission Blue National Geographic's "Kid Reporter" Jenifer Austin of the Google Ocean Program Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Explorer-in-ResidenceDescription: Secretary of State John Kerry is assembling a world-wide conference…
Google's Liquid Galaxy Live from IUCN in Korea
Google's Liquid Galaxy Live from IUCN - KoreaDate: Published on Sep 10, 2012 Guests: Andrew Kornblatt, Jenifer Austin Foulkes, Christian Adams, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Dan Laffolley, Jason Holt, Lisa Uttal, and Kristina GjerdeDescription: Google Liquid Galaxy Hangout live from the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Korea..…
BLUE Ocean Film Festival Hangout
Blue Ocean Film Festival Finalist Announcement Date: Published on Sep 10, 2012 Guests: Andrew Kornblatt, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Jean-Michelle Cousteau, Fabien Cousteau, Charlotte Vick, Debbie Kinder, Jenifer Austin Foulkes, Sarah Sponaugle, Mark Shelly, Laura Orthwein Description: A hangout announcing finalists for the upcoming festival and discussing aspects of the Ocean…