A very special report was recently released by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the "Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate." We bring together a panel of scientists to find out, what the heck does this thing say and mean to us?


A very special report was recently released by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the "Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate." We bring together a panel of scientists to find out, what the heck is happening in the ocean? What is this collection of over 1000 pages of science saying and what does it mean to us? Most importantly, where do we go from here?

Guests include:
Priya Shukla of UC Davis - @priyology
George H. Leonard of Ocean Conservancy - @GeorgeHLeonard
John Bruno of UNC-Chapel Hill - @JohnFBruno
Tessa Hill of UC Davis - @Tessa_M_Hill

Hosts are:
Andrew Kornblatt - @akornblatt
Vicky Vásquez - @VickySharky

Papers we cited:
SROCC Summary for Policy Makers
The rise and fall of infectious disease in a warmer world.
Ocean Outbreak by Drew Harvell
Disease epidemic and a marine heat wave are associated with the continental-scale collapse of a pivotal predator.
Increases and decreases in marine disease reports in an era of global change.
Blue Growth Potential to Mitigate Climate Change through Seaweed Offsetting

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